Thursday, January 27, 2011

BlogLovin is it?

Let me start by saying how confusing this whole blogger XML, Design, Blog etc is. I give myself a week to learn a couple new tricks and update this Blog! Hopefully, I get the hang of it. In the meantime I just made a Bloglovin' account Yay..."after many unsuccessful attempts hehe"...{hmm.. that deserves a second "YAY"} Here's the link: Follow my blog with bloglovin. I'm getting more committed to this whole's just such a nice creative outlet <3!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

When all is going wrong...Dance!

Hey Ya'll :D (I'm just a chatting away today) {I sound so country hehe :)}
You know what's annoying? When your life get's completely pulled out from under you and you feel the only option you have to cherry-pick from is that which you don't want to make! We've all been there!  I don't feel it is fair that sometimes we have no choice in where life takes us... Therefore, for all those that are in a bad "kick something kind of mood":..
Like I am at the moment.
{"The camera don't lie. You're coming back down and you really don't mind, you had a bad day"
-Daniel Powter}

... try to make the best of the day! Don't cry: "Life is a dance floor. You get what you're's all how you use it"-PINK. Focus on making the best of what you have and chase after your dreams...there's only one life to live don't waste it wishing on the stars rather I hope you choose to dance {read below for explanation}! I know sometimes we don't think we have any opportunities, but if you look closely you'll notice a lot of doors are open. We are just too "busy" to notice them. I want to leave you off with these beautiful words that I hope you take to heart <3

Lee Ann Womack
"I Hope You Dance"

"I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat

But always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed
I hope you still feel small
When you stand by the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances
But they're worth taking
Lovin' might be a mistake
But it's worth making
Don't let some hell bent heart
Leave you bitter
When you come close to selling out
Give the heavens above
More than just a passing glance!"

Get Up & Carpe Diem My Lovelies!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New, New, New...Who Knew?

Hey Dolls,  I hope you're all enjoying the New Year... So, what's new with you all??? I'm gonna start by mentioning that I'm probably the worst blogger ever... SORRY! I know I haven't blogged in what feels like centuries :(, but I promise to change that soon; as soon as I find my camera cord that is hahaha! I hope you've all had a great Christmas/Holiday Season/Break/ and New Year :D! I hope this year turns out great for everybody!!! I also honestly hope you all accomplish you're New Year Resolutions whatever they may be; Good Luck! I've already made some changes and I'm pretty excited... Hopefully the rest of the year is as good.

To start off I finally "FINALLY" (Hallelujah) for the first time ever went to a salon and actually trusted someone with my hair. That's like a major accomplishment already because I am the biggest chicken when it comes to major changes and trusting people. At the salon I went and got it colored and highlighted and it's different! Before my hair was like a dark auburn and after I left it was Idk she mixed a couple colors to get the base color and it's kinda a brownish color with loads of platnium highlights. It was such a change like major! I'd upload pics, but I can't find my camera cord :(! It's quite funny because I went in there with like 4-5 different hair color ideas and what I ended up with was almost like....Not sure if any of you watched Ghost Whisperer? The end result of my hair was somewhat like Jennifer Love Hewitt's character Melinda's hair. This is hilarious because I watch that show like crazy and everytime I'm like "OMGOMGOMG" I loooove her hair; she's an absolutely Gorgeous Lady :D! So, the fact that my stylist did my hair fairly like her's is kind of funny to me; I can't believe I didn't think of it myself!  Do you have any of those "Why didn't I think of that" days? I definitely do and I have "lOaDs..." of them.

What else is new? Well... since I'm "missing" a year of college I might just take like a course in something I'm not sure what though? I mean I'm not just going to sit and do absolutely nothing. I was thinking maybe a  makeup course because I feel like I have so much to learn and it's just so much fun; but I'm not sure yet... maybe. In the meantime I've been looking for acting gigs where I live, but I haven't found any unfortunately. Wow,  I can't even stress how much I love acting; I did a play my last year of High School and it was such an amazing experience. I'm so happy I had the opportunity to play a role in it considering I was such a novice and I had never tried out for anything before. I had no idea what to do I'm so thankful for everyone that helped me. The feeling is indescribable I remember getting so nervous when my lines were coming up I'd start to repeat them in my head and double check, and then I'd get on stage and snap I'd just become the character and I'd completely forget I was acting. If I regret anything at is that I didn't do more in High School. I wish I had tried out for more plays and done more activities because it's not only an amazing experience, but you get to meet absolutely wonderful people along the way!

Moving on I'm re-organizing and decorating my room which is fun because I feel like even though it's so full of color it's kind of boring as well! Ooh, and I found this quote by Paris Hilton (insert--Did you know her natural eye color is brown? I never ever knew that. I thought her eyes were really blue) “The only rule is don't be boring and dress cute wherever you go. Life is too short to blend in.”  I couldn't agree more; life really is quite short and this year it is time for me to stop letting myself down to please others, time for me to state my own opinions and express myself as I please. So, this year I'm going to take fashion up a notch (hopefully), I'm going to do what I want to do, and I'm going to be fearless. Most importantly I'm going to be myself and be honest because if I've learned anything at all over the years it's that honesty is always the best way to go in everything.  I am saying that I am going to try to be more honest than I already am. 

Holy Cow this is getting way too long I think I'm going to cut it right here lol I always say this :O and then I start blabbing even more oops? "Sorry :D"... Since I'm talking about change and all I thought I'd share with you a blogger that I've been following for quite some time now. Let me start by saying how sweet and absoulutely beautiful she is; I love her fashion sense; and lately she's been doing a Create A Working Closet series posts.  I definitely recommend the series for anybody wanting to re-organize and do like a major renovation clothes thing etc..., and I also Absolutely Positively recommend her blog. I seriously love her outfit posts soooo much... very cute.... I completely forget to mention her name: Kendi! Here's a link to her lovely blog Signing off! I hope you all have an Amazing fun-filled Beyoutiful day! OxOx (I know it's xoxo, but.. I like hugs hehe) Big Hugs :)!!!