Monday, August 13, 2012

Early Bird Tweet

Goodness, I haven't been on here in a while. I broke my kinda promise. Aargh! Lately, a lot has been happening in my life. Everything from having a stalker to superbly bad news, but as always I try to focus on the positive and build my relationship with God. I'm just so confused lately I mean I try to make sense of things and when I do then comes another complex question that confuses me all over again. I'm not quite sure if that was even comprehensible. Apparently my mind is a very complex place. On the bright side, *Note to reader* "There's always a bright side to every down in life believe me",  I've started praying again and wow do you feel loads coming off your shoulders as you bow down to God. I've also finished Summer school, but Fall semester starts next week already. Woah, does time fly by. I've become addicted to Polyvore, not sure if that's a good thing or not, and I love it! Check out some outfits I've done on Twitter. Hmm.. Oh yes! I have picked up a healthy eating regimen and I've been sticking to it as well as exercising everyday! They say you are what you eat and in this case I don't want to be unhealthy anymore. I'm not sure if I've lost weight or anything because you don't see results until a month and your friends won't see the change until 2 months and everyone else won't see it until the 3rd month! So, hopefully results in 20 something days. Yeeppp I'm excited :)! I feel like this is a long post as is I shall stop babbling my nonsense and disjointed sentences at this moment! I hope I didn't bore you all to much?! Anyhow, I hope you all have a beautiful day filled with love! Ciao, lovely people sending virtual hugs to all of you X....

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